Worlds of honor


The Stray
What Price Dreams?
Queen's Gambit
The Hard Way Home
Deck Load Strike

"The Hard Way Home", written by David Weber, is the fourth short story in the second Honorverse anthology Worlds of Honor, first published in 1999.

Timeframe: 1890 PD


Lieutenant Commander Honor Harrington, serving as executive officer of the heavy cruiser HMS Broadsword, is participating in a series of evaluation exercises of a new type of pinnace when an avalanche strikes the Athinai Holiday Resort on the planet Gryphon, killing hundreds and burying many others under meters of snow. Honor must take command of the rescue operations and save as many people as she and the men and women of Broadsword can.

Among the missing are siblings Susan and Ranjit Hibson, who must try to survive until help arrives.



Anthony Agursky | Ambristen‎ | Csilla Berczi | Fleurieu | Freemantle | Gastelaars | Monica Gastelaars | Honor Harrington | John Hedges | Kalindi Hibson | Liesell Hibson | Ranjit Hibson | Susan Hibson | Krepson twins | Andrea Manders | Tammerlane | Donny Tergesen | Wells | Zariello




Athinai Resort | Attica Avalanche | Barony of Novaya Tyumen | Black Mountains | Broadsword-class | Gryphon Mountain Data Interface | Olympus Fault | Olympus Mountains | Olympus Valley | Pinnace | Royal Manticoran Marine Corps | Royal Manticoran Navy

Main Honor Harrington series
HH1 On Basilisk Station HH8 Echoes of Honor
HH2 The Honor of the Queen HH9 Ashes of Victory
HH3 The Short Victorious War HH10 War of Honor
HH4 Field of Dishonor HH11 At All Costs
HH5 Flag in Exile HH12 Mission of Honor
HH6 Honor Among Enemies HH13 A Rising Thunder
HH7 In Enemy Hands HH14 Uncompromising Honor
Spin off Series
Crown of Slaves Star Kingdom
CS1 Crown of Slaves SK1 A Beautiful Friendship
CS2 Torch of Freedom SK2 Fire Season
CS3 Cauldron of Ghosts SK3 Treecat Wars
CS4 To End In Fire SK4 A New Clan
CS5 SK5 Friends Indeed
Saganami Island Manticore Ascendant
SI1 The Shadow of Saganami MA1 A Call to Duty
SI2 Storm from the Shadows MA2 A Call to Arms
SI3 Shadow of Freedom MA3 A Call to Vengeance
SI4 Shadow of Victory MA4 A Call to Insurrection
Expanded Honorverse
EH1 Toll of Honor EH2
HHA1 More Than Honor HHA5 In Fire Forged
HHA2 Worlds of Honor HHA6 Beginnings
HHA3 Changer of Worlds HHA7 What Price Victory?
HHA4 The Service of the Sword HHA8
Tales of Honor Comic Series
TOH1 Tales of Honor #1 TOH4 Tales of Honor #4
TOH2 Tales of Honor #2 TOH5 Tales of Honor #5
TOH3 Tales of Honor #3 TOHV1 Tales of Honor Vol 1