

cv with RMN promotions is needed. Sth like HH in wikipedia.--dotz 19:25, 29 August 2008 (UTC)

I am sorry what is CV and STH. --Farragut79 04:31, 30 August 2008 (UTC)
Sorry. Curriculum vitae/resume; sth - something. Hamish wasn't an Admiral all the time - we can safely say it is confirmed he was one in 1903 P.D.--dotz 10:28, 30 August 2008 (UTC)

Commander, Second Fleet[]

"In addition, the Grayson Navy itself must now be considered equivalent to at least a heavy task group of our own Navy—a truly enormous accomplishment for a seventeen-month effort from their beginning tech base—and Admiral D'Orville's Second Fleet is an extremely powerful formation"The Short Victorious War
-- SaganamiFan 12:49, 29 March 2009 (UTC)


Called from Chelsea and Mendoza - TF4 or (less possible) the Second Fleet?--dotz 21:23, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

Second opening sentence[]

Honor Harrington generally didn't participate in the main military activities of the First Havenite-Manticoran War, so the presence of Hamish Alexander made it easier to describe course of the war.

Good information, but it's kind of ex-universe, so I don't know if it fits in that place. Maybe a section on "real-world information" would be advisable. -- SaganamiFan 08:27, November 2, 2009 (UTC)

I have thought about it, but it seems to be to short for separate section. I don't think references would be right place also. Anyway - another good place place for off-world info can be a bottom of overview (a good thing before spoilers warning), (when all in-word issues will be described here/eg. in 2109 AD/, then we deal with more and more information concerning wrighter's work :)--dotz 10:21, November 2, 2009 (UTC)

Posts and duties[]

What does TAD mean at Inspector General, TAD - 1903 PD? It is worth to explain that abreviation (is it nowadays US Navy anachronistic description?). --dotz 08:35, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

TAD = Temporary Assigned DutyJohn964 01:43, May 10, 2011 (UTC)
