The sentience scale was a numeric scale used by humans to rate the intelligence of various species.
- Alphane and Medusan intelligence was comparable to that of humans.
- Treecats of Sphinx:
- real intelligence ≈ 1.00
- dissimulation[1] = 0.83
- Gremlins of Beowulf < 0.83 (slightly)
- Dolphins of Earth < 0.83 (slightly)
- Amphors of Barstool = 0.70 (SK1)
- Barthoni ? [2]
Other animals that might also be considered a sentient species:
- the herbivorous Growlers, a degenerated form of the Alphanes. (HHA1.2: AGT)
- the carnivorous Gilgamesh River Devils, a semi-sentient animal species. (HHA4.4: LGTP)
Terran great apes were not mentioned.
Progress of discoveries[]
- There had been twelve recognized non-human sentient species - including treecats and amphors - in 16th Century PD. (SK1)
- There were twenty-seven sentient nonhuman species discovered to 1920 PD. (Companion)
External links[]
- David Weber's Infodump posts: Treecat intelligence I and Treecat intelligence II