
SLNS Oceanus was a Morrigan-class light cruiser of the Solarian League Navy.

Service Record[]

In 1922 PD, she was assigned to the Mobius System in the Verge of the League, escorting two intervention battalions destined for Mobius Beta. Once the battalions were detached, Oceanus supported them with kinetic strikes from orbit.

However, in July of the same year, a Royal Manticoran Navy force commanded by Commodore Aivars Terekhov arrived in the Mobius System and Commander Watson was ordered to abandon and scuttle his ship or be destroyed. Watson quickly obeyed, knowing he had no chance to survive a confrontation with the RMN. (SI4)

Known Personnel[]

Naval Officers[]

  • Commander Tremont Watson – Commanding Officer
  • Lieutenant Commander Fred O'Carroll - Executive Officer
  • Lieutenant Commander Hiroshi Hammond – Tactical Officer
  • Lieutenant Gareth Garrett – Junior Tactical Officer
  • Lieutenant Sandra Gillespie - Astrogation Officer
  • Lieutenant Branston Shang – Communications Officer


Morrigan-class light cruisers
SLNS Morrigan | SLNS Freya | SLNS Oceanus