
The Protector class was the Grayson designation for the Victory class superdreadnoughts of the Royal Manticoran Navy.

In 1915 PD, at the time of the ceasefire that ended the First Manticoran-Havenite War, the remaining units of the Victory class were scheduled for disposal. Protector Benjamin IX, convinced that the RMN under the Second Janacek Admiralty would be critically short on capital ships should hostilities resumed, took a personal interest in the acquisition of the remaining units of the class.

As with the remaining units of the Manticore's Gift class in the service of the RMN, Janacek was convinced to sell the remaining hulls to Grayson for their reclamation value. While the intention was to immediately place the units into mothballs as the GSN lacked the required crews for the vessels, the resumption of hostilities and the collapse of the Janacek Admiralty in 1919 PD saw none of the units transferred back to the RMN. Instead, the Office of Personnel and the RMN Bureau of Personnel arranged to loan Manticoran crews to supplant Grayson crews as they returned to duty from civilian life. (Companion)


Grayson Starship Classes
Alliance | Ararat | Argonaut | Austin Grayson | Benjamin the Great | Berilynko | Burleson | Convert | Covington | David | Disciple | Faith | Glory | Hill | Honor Harrington | Honor Harrington II | Jacob | Jason Alvarez | Joseph | Joshua | Katana | Longstop | Manticore's Gift | Mars | Matthias | Minotaur | Neophyte | Paul | Proselyte | Protector | Protector Adrian | Raoul Courvosier | Raoul Courvosier II | Steadholder Denevski | Tomkin | Zion