
The Nightstick class was a class of heavy cruisers operated by the Royal Manticoran Navy.

In the 1830s PD, two divisions of Flight I Truncheon class heavy cruisers were refitted into marine operations support cruisers, leading to the creation of the Nightsticks. Redesignated with the prefix LCA, the conversions reduced the broadside weaponry to create room for a full battalion of marines and support staff in addition to specialized command and control equipment.

While sorely needed, the Nightsticks were never popular with the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps and designs were drafted shortly thereafter for a purpose-built LCA, though several delays in that procurement led to the Nightsticks remaining in service decades longer than anticipated. When the long awaited Broadsword class was finally commissioned, two decades overdue, the Nightsticks were finally decommissioned. (Companion)

Manticoran Starship Classes
Ad Astra | Agamemnon | Anduril | Apollo | Avalon | Bellerophon | Broadsword | Burgundy | Casey | Chanson | Courageous | Crusader | Culverin | Edward Saganami | Edward Saganami-B | Edward Saganami-C | Erebus | Falcon | Ferret | Gladiator | Guadalcanal | Gryphon | Havoc | Homer | Hydra | Illustrious | Invictus | Javelin | Kamerling | King William | Lightning | LPX | Majestic | Manticore | Medusa | Minotaur | Nightstick | Nike | Noblesse | Pegasus | Phoenix | Prince Consort | Protector | Redoubtable | Reliant | Roland | Rorke's Drift | Royal Winton | Salamander | Samothrace | Shrike | Shrike B | Sphinx | Star Knight | Talisman | Thorsten | Triumph | Trojan | Truncheon | Valiant | Victory (FG) | Victory (SD) | Warrior | Wolfhound
Argonaut | Caravan | David Taylor | Mandrake | Star Falcon
Small Craft
Albatros | Arrow | Avenger | Caffrey | Condor | Dakota | Drake | Gull
Hawk | Highlander | Pryderi | Skyhawk