
The Midshipman cruise, also known as the 'snotty cruise', was a midshipman's first mission after completing the academic part of their officer training.

As midshipmen, the former cadets were already officers, but their abilities were traditionally put to the test under real conditions in order to find out how good they really were. If a midshipman failed on the snotty cruise, there was little chance for him or her to ever be given an active commission. (SI1)

Ship's captains formally endorsed a "pass" grade on the cruise by completing a Form S-One-Sixty. Completing the cruise qualified a candidate for permanent promotion to Ensign, which the ship's captain had the authority to grant. (HHA3.1: MMH)

The midshipmen and their training were overseen by the ship's Assistant Tactical Officer, whose conduct in this endeavour was considered an important test of their own fitness to command. (HHA4.6: TSotS)

Significant midshipman cruises[]

