GNS Terrible port view 01
Name: Manticore's Gift class
Type: Superdreadnought
Affiliation: Protectorate of Grayson
Date Introduced: 1905 PD
Mass: ~8,000,000 tons
Length: 1,350 m
Beam: 196 m
Draught: 550 m
Acceleration: 503 G
Crew: 4027
— 402 Officers
— 3625 Enlisted
973 Marines
— 40 Officers
— 933 Enlisted
Electronics: AR-7(b) search radar

The Manticore's Gift class[1] were eleven Havenite DuQuesne-class superdreadnoughts captured at the Third Battle of Yeltsin's Star and handed over to the Grayson Space Navy.


While the class initially numbered only eleven units, an additionally seventeen units were acquired from Manticore at scrap value during the build down of the Second Janacek Admiralty. (Companion)

Technical specifications[]



  • 100x Launcher PN SD-Mod (40)[2]
    • GSN/RMN Mk27 DN/SD-grade series missiles
  • 40x 400cm Laser (20)
  • 8x 450cm Laser (0)
  • 40x 450cm Graser (20)
  • 10x 500cm Graser (0)
  • 120x Launcher PN CML (40)
    • GSN/RMN Mk5 Countermissile Cannisters
      • GSN Mk2 Countermissiles (RMN Standard Countermissiles)
  • 160x PD Laser Cluster (60)


  • Replaced missile and countermissile load, but retained original PN launchers[3]
  • Upgraded Inertial Compensators
  • Upgraded ECM and CIC
  • Reduced crew but increased Marine Corps numbers

Known Ships[]


  1. These were not true repeat class ships due to rebuilding, repairs and refits due to battle damage on individual ships.
  2. number in parenthesis () is per broadside, remainder are divided between fore/aft chase mounts
  3. fire rate was 20 seconds, or slightly slower than other Manticoran and newly built Grayson ships

Grayson Starship Classes
Alliance | Ararat | Argonaut | Austin Grayson | Benjamin the Great | Berilynko | Burleson | Convert | Covington | David | Disciple | Faith | Glory | Hill | Honor Harrington | Honor Harrington II | Jacob | Jason Alvarez | Joseph | Joshua | Katana | Longstop | Manticore's Gift | Mars | Matthias | Minotaur | Neophyte | Paul | Proselyte | Protector | Protector Adrian | Raoul Courvosier | Raoul Courvosier II | Steadholder Denevski | Tomkin | Zion
Havenite Starship Classes
Astra (CLAC) | Aviary | Bastogne | Brilliance | Champion | Charles Wade Pope | Chevalier | Conqueror | Desforge | DuQuesne | Durandal | Frigate | Fouchart | Haven | Hempstead | Lion | Mars | Nouveau Paris | Roughneck | Sovereign of Space | Sultan | Sword | Temeraire | Tiger | Tonnerre | Triumphant | Trojan | Warlord | Warrior
Non-Warships Astra | Longstop | Trumbull
Small Craft Cimeterre | Foudre | Fracteur | Mercure | Ouragan | Program 13 | Razzia | Transall

DuQuesne-class superdreadnoughts
People's Republic of Haven Navy PNS DuQuesne | PNS Alphand | PNS Baudin | PNS Charette | PNS D'Allonville | PNS D'Iberville | PNS Forbin | PNS Guichen | PNS Joseph Tilden | PNS Lepanto | PNS Mouchez | PNS Rousseau | PNS Salamis
Grayson Space Navy GNS Manticore's Gift | GNS Courageous | GNS Furious | GNS Glorious | GNS Magnificent | GNS Terrible | GNS Vengeance

Manticore's Gift class superdreadnought
GNS Manticore's Gift | GNS Courageous | GNS Furious | GNS Glorious | GNS Magnificent | GNS Terrible | GNS Vengeance