Name: Longstop class
Type: Transport
Affiliation: Sign HavenArmedForces People's Republic of Haven
Acceleration: 22 gravities
Crew: 40,000 & heavy combat equipment

The Longstop class was a type of transport used by the People's Republic of Haven Navy.

Class Design[]

Lacking any defenses and only capable of reaching the top of the delta band, these transports were not meant to go anywhere near the frontlines of a war.

Construction Notes[]

Basically converted longhaul bulk freighters with the drives and inertial compensators of that breed, the People's Republic used them to transport work forces and haul peacekeeping troops to domestic hot spots. (HH9)


Longstop class transports
People's Republic of Haven Navy PNS Longstop | PNS Mardi Gras | PNS Voyager
Grayson Space Navy GSNS Mardi Gras | GSNS Voyager

Havenite Starship Classes
Astra (CLAC) | Aviary | Bastogne | Brilliance | Champion | Charles Wade Pope | Chevalier | Conqueror | Desforge | DuQuesne | Durandal | Frigate | Fouchart | Haven | Hempstead | Lion | Mars | Nouveau Paris | Roughneck | Sovereign of Space | Sultan | Sword | Temeraire | Tiger | Tonnerre | Triumphant | Trojan | Warlord | Warrior
Non-Warships Astra | Longstop | Trumbull
Small Craft Cimeterre | Foudre | Fracteur | Mercure | Ouragan | Program 13 | Razzia | Transall

Grayson Starship Classes
Alliance | Ararat | Argonaut | Austin Grayson | Benjamin the Great | Berilynko | Burleson | Convert | Covington | David | Disciple | Faith | Glory | Hill | Honor Harrington | Honor Harrington II | Jacob | Jason Alvarez | Joseph | Joshua | Katana | Longstop | Manticore's Gift | Mars | Matthias | Minotaur | Neophyte | Paul | Proselyte | Protector | Protector Adrian | Raoul Courvosier | Raoul Courvosier II | Steadholder Denevski | Tomkin | Zion