Jason Alvarez class
Name: Jason Alvarez class
Type: Heavy cruiser
Affiliation: Protectorate of Grayson
Date Introduced: 1904 PD
Mass: 319,500 tons

Length: 531 m
Beam: 64 m
Draught: 54 m

406.9 G
(508.6 G maximum)
Crew: 800
Armament: Broadside: 14M, 5G, 8CM, 8PD

Chase: 3M, 1G, 5CM, 5PD

The Jason Alvarez class was the first class of heavy cruisers built by the Grayson Space Navy.

They were actually a modified Manticorian Star Knight-class design, and were named after Commander Jason Alvarez of the RMN destroyer HMS Madrigal, who gave his life in defense of Grayson. (HH3)

It was the first ship with an all graser weapons layout. (HH7)


  • Armament - 6 battlecruiser strength energy mounts[1] (Star Knight-class vessel: 8 lasers, 4 grasers[2])

Ships of the Class[]


  1. barely half as many energy weapons as a Manticoran cruiser would have (HH4)
  2. according to Jayne's

Grayson Starship Classes
Alliance | Ararat | Argonaut | Austin Grayson | Benjamin the Great | Berilynko | Burleson | Convert | Covington | David | Disciple | Faith | Glory | Hill | Honor Harrington | Honor Harrington II | Jacob | Jason Alvarez | Joseph | Joshua | Katana | Longstop | Manticore's Gift | Mars | Matthias | Minotaur | Neophyte | Paul | Proselyte | Protector | Protector Adrian | Raoul Courvosier | Raoul Courvosier II | Steadholder Denevski | Tomkin | Zion