Name: Frigate class
Type: Light cruiser
Affiliation: Sign HavenArmedForces Republic of Haven
Preceded By: Conqueror class
Crew: 800

The Frigate class was a class of light cruisers used by the People's Navy.

Two ships of this class were among the ships that the Elysian Space Navy brought back from Hades. They were later commissioned into the Grayson Space Navy as the Neophyte class. (Companion)


Frigate-class light cruisers
People's Navy PNS Frigate | PNS Bacchante | PNS Sabine | PNS Seahorse
Grayson Space Navy GSNS Bacchante | GSNS Sabine
Havenite Starship Classes
Astra (CLAC) | Aviary | Bastogne | Brilliance | Champion | Charles Wade Pope | Chevalier | Conqueror | Desforge | DuQuesne | Durandal | Frigate | Fouchart | Haven | Hempstead | Lion | Mars | Nouveau Paris | Roughneck | Sovereign of Space | Sultan | Sword | Temeraire | Tiger | Tonnerre | Triumphant | Trojan | Warlord | Warrior
Non-Warships Astra | Longstop | Trumbull
Small Craft Cimeterre | Foudre | Fracteur | Mercure | Ouragan | Program 13 | Razzia | Transall
