
The First Lord of the Admiralty was the most senior of the Lords of the Admiralty, and thus, the highest authority of the Royal Manticoran Navy. In the absence of a Minister of War in the Cabinet, the First Lord sat in the Cabinet as the highest representative of the armed forces.

In 1900 PD, Admiral (ret.) Sir Edward Janacek held the position. In 1904 PD, Janacek was replaced by Francine Maurier, Baroness Mourncreek, when the Conservative Association left the government. When the High Ridge government came into existence following the assassination of Prime Minister Allen Summervale, Janacek returned to the post, only to commit suicide when his naval policies were proven fatally wrong in Operation Thunderbolt. (HH1,HH3,HH9,HH10)

In 1919 PD, Hamish Alexander, Earl White Haven, was named the First Lord of the Admiralty under the Grantville government. (HH10)

Known First Lords of the Admiralty[]

