
The Burleson class was a class of heavy cruisers operated by the Grayson Space Navy.

An indigenously produced version of the Edward Saganami C class heavy cruisers of the Royal Manticoran Navy, the class was named for the first GSN captain to conduct an attack on the Endicott System. As of 1920 PD, no Burleson had seen active combat, though there were positive reports of the design's performance from their Manticoran counterparts. (Companion)


Grayson Starship Classes
Alliance | Ararat | Argonaut | Austin Grayson | Benjamin the Great | Berilynko | Burleson | Convert | Covington | David | Disciple | Faith | Glory | Hill | Honor Harrington | Honor Harrington II | Jacob | Jason Alvarez | Joseph | Joshua | Katana | Longstop | Manticore's Gift | Mars | Matthias | Minotaur | Neophyte | Paul | Proselyte | Protector | Protector Adrian | Raoul Courvosier | Raoul Courvosier II | Steadholder Denevski | Tomkin | Zion