
The Burgundy class was a type of system defense destroyer built and used by the Royal Manticoran Navy in the early 16th Century PD.

These units were originally scheduled to be activated in 1536 PD to replace the last six Triumph-class battlecruisers. However, their delivery was delayed, forcing the Navy to keep the Triumphs in service for another ten T-years – this proved to be a lucky decision, since the older vessels were ready to defend Manticore when the Axelrod Corporation tried to conquer the system less than two years later. (Companion)

Known ships[]

  • HMS Burgundy - Lead Ship of the class
Manticoran Starship Classes
Ad Astra | Agamemnon | Anduril | Apollo | Avalon | Bellerophon | Broadsword | Burgundy | Casey | Chanson | Courageous | Crusader | Culverin | Edward Saganami | Edward Saganami-B | Edward Saganami-C | Erebus | Falcon | Ferret | Gladiator | Guadalcanal | Gryphon | Havoc | Homer | Hydra | Illustrious | Invictus | Javelin | Kamerling | King William | Lightning | LPX | Majestic | Manticore | Medusa | Minotaur | Nightstick | Nike | Noblesse | Pegasus | Phoenix | Prince Consort | Protector | Redoubtable | Reliant | Roland | Rorke's Drift | Royal Winton | Salamander | Samothrace | Shrike | Shrike B | Sphinx | Star Knight | Talisman | Thorsten | Triumph | Trojan | Truncheon | Valiant | Victory (FG) | Victory (SD) | Warrior | Wolfhound
Argonaut | Caravan | David Taylor | Mandrake | Star Falcon
Small Craft
Albatros | Arrow | Avenger | Caffrey | Condor | Dakota | Drake | Gull
Hawk | Highlander | Pryderi | Skyhawk