Miliko Brockmann was a Beowulfan citizen and a noncomissioned officer of the Biological Survey Corps.
She was the child of an ex-slave.
Holding the rank of Sergeant, she piloted the assault shuttle commanded Captain Jacques Benton-Ramirez y Chou that rescued Lieutenant Alfred Harrington of the Royal Manticoran Navy and Allison Chou, who were in a firefight with a team of Mesan agents. (HHA6.3: BATB)
In June 1859 PD, promoted to the rank of Sergeant Major, she continued to serve with Benton-Ramirez and was with him on a BSC mission in the Pankowski System of the Silesian Confederacy when their team was attacked by mercenaries employed by Manpower. She was seriously injured in the attack and was evacuated to the Star Kingdom of Manticore on the battlecruiser HMS Scepter. (HHA7.5: FV)